New Raven Stitch Exclusive Prints Coming to San Diego Comic-Con

It feels like forever since I last did an exclusive print, hasn’t it? Well, with my focus shifting more towards Raven Stitch, I thought it would be a cool idea to put together two limited edition prints for the Plush Elements!

As you can see in the promotional image above, I separated the Fire and Water elements from the Earth and Air elements. I thought these two pairings complimented each other fairly well, showing two different kinds of emotional pairings. Their differences either putting them at odds with one another and or building trust together through companionship.

Each print will be limited to 15 and will be hand signed and numbered by me, like all my previous limited edition prints. They will be available at table in Artist Alley (B-22), along with other prints, plush, diplomas and enamel pins. This will mark my first time at Comic-Con not under the banner of another brand. Previously I’ve exhibited either at Small Press as TNP Press, or on the main show floor as Corvink. I’m both nervous and excited to see how this goes. Hopefully I see some of you there.

See all my previous and upcoming appearances on my events page.

I Made a YouTube Channel

That's right! I've made a YouTube channel. After helping my buddy Roberto of Throwboy at Vid Con this last year, and meeting Romina, I've started to realize that I'm missing out by not being part of this community. I've been on Twitter and Facebook for years now, and even tried things like Google+ and Ello, but their all a bit of the same. YouTube allows me to give a bit of flavor to my brand that I can't give on other social media plat forms. There's something fun and charming about creating something like this. It's like a more personal look into to my art and brand that writing blogs like this don't really seem to accomplish. So, it's time for me to get over myself and get on that camera!

I'll have to admit, this isn't the easiest thing for me to do (be on camera), but while recording my Kickstarter video for the Raven Stitch Plush Elements, I realized that it was really stupid how hard of a time I had filming myself! So, this will not only give me an outlet to get more comfortable with that (because in reality that's not gonna be the last time I have to be on camera), but also to explore a new creative medium I haven't yet!

What are you to expect from this new channel? Only time will tell... but I'm hoping to do convention recaps, videos about my setups for conventions, overall vlog (video updates about things going on) and hopefully some art videos where I show everyone my creative process!

Until time, does in fact tell, check out this video I did about my trip to Seattle for Emerald City Comic Con! 

Let me know what you think, and what other kinds of video's you would like to see! :]


Why hello all you fancy humans, it's been a while since I've written a long ended post... I apologize, both for always writing long ended posts AND because I haven't been keep you brain things in the loop as to what is going on in the world of Corvink and L.A.W.L.S.! I've had some comments on Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr and the like, both incredibly touching and extremely rude from different people wondering what's going on. For those of you who have expressed your concerns for my well being, I thank you dearly for your support. When I see these things it reminds me of exact why it is that I create. For you. For the trolls who don't seem to understand that I am in fact not a binary coding language that creates on a whim, but rather a mere mortal being who's creations are dependant on my personal well being, all I can say to your comments is this. Now Gentlemen, Gentlewomen and Horidtrolls, let us venture into the hypothetical reality that is the year 2013:


I know for a lot of you, the reason you've followed me through the years is because of my comics. As readers it sucks to feel abandoned by your creator right as you begin to feel so invested in the characters you've been following for some time. For this, I am sorry. I too miss my characters and am dying to get back to writing them! That being said, I have in fact been writing again... quite a bit actually. I've stock piled a number of Words of Interest, drawn a few ALTs with a few more on the drawing board and written out the first half of Vol. 2 of L.A.W.L.S.! For some of you I'm sure your thinking: "Woah you tease! WHY ARE YOU WITHHOLDING!?!" Well... It's simple. I wanted to make sure that I could really do this again and truly dedicate myself to my art. BUT to do that, I needed to understand a bit about myself first.

In the last half of 2012, I spent most of my time soul searching and questioned everything about myself, including what I was doing with my life. Obviously, that meant that I needed to sit and think about my comics... why am I drawing them? To understand that inquiry I had to go pretty far down into myself to understand my motives for doing pretty much anything. I realized that my raison d'etre, or reason for being, is to give. I've always been a helper. I studied psychology in my undergrad at University with the hope I could one day be a therapist. I still do work with individuals who have Autism as a part time job, but that in itself has never been enough for me. It took me a while to understand and accept why this is. I found that as much as enjoy helping these families that I work with, that the creative side of my mind can't really handle not creating. From writing music in high school to drawing comics through college, my hands have always had to be making something. This lead me to believe for a stint of time that my raison d'etre isn't to give, but to create... but I quickly realized that these things are not mutually exclusive. To put you heart and soul, your blood and tears and every ounce of yourself into your creations, in hopes that you could affect even one person in a positive light, is, in itself giving. The reason I create is to give a part of myself to those of you who I can make smile, laugh or feel connected to something, in some way. This is is why I make comics.

Acknowledging this fact, I began to fall back in love with drawing, writing and all that I've done in the past few years. The thing now is, I have to insure myself that I won't cross that line again where I literally sacrifice my well being over my work. My way of doing this was to work ahead, make sure that I'll be able to post on a regular schedule while spending a reasonable amount of time on other parts of my life that are important! Now that I've gotten a pile of comics done, the time is near when I will be posting again! So... let me give a bit of a tentative schedule as to how I'd like to post in the next few weeks.

NEXT WEEK, I'm gonna take it easy and just ease into posting: Tuesday - WORDS OF INTEREST & Thursday - WORDS OF INTEREST

THE FOLLOWING WEEK, and hopefully all weeks that follow will look something like this: Monday - ALT, Wednesday - WORDS OF INTEREST & Friday - WORDS OF INTEREST

Once I get into the flow of things, I'd like to start adding some L.A.W.L.S. back into the mix... but lets make sure first that I can get these up! Sound fair?


Now that I've explained everything with the comics, let's talk about Corvink! Realizing how much I love art, I found that posting comics the way I was before my hiatus, I started loathing them! I think this is because I cease to explore other things that interest me. I am not JUST a webcomic artist, I am an creator! Which means I want to create! So, how do I rectify this, this time around? Well it's obvious. I need to focus on making art pieces, explore the world of gallery exhibits, and tinker with ideas that interest me. I wont be doing this as much as comics, but I will be part of the overall agenda and very important to why Corvink exists! Along with this, I'm also going to be exploring other things like clothing, jewelry, toys, sculptures... etc. It's easy to see this as me just wanting to become a "glorified merch dealer," but that is simply not the case. In the years that I have been exhibiting at conventions, I've seen some of the most creative people in the world bring some of the most amazing and unique things to the floor. I wan't to be one of those people. Not just someone who shits out a new shirt design just to make a few bucks. Rather someone who can make items that you not only recognize because they are cool and unique, but something that connect with and want because they make you happy in some way! My mission for 2013 is to try to bring more of just that to the table! AND with your help and support, I'm sure that I can! So, let's move on to this years scheduled events. (If you know of any others, please, let me know! I'd love to try to do as many more of these as I can.)


  • Emerald City Comicon - Seattle, WA | March 1-3

  • Pancakes & Booze - Los Angeles, CA | May 3-4

  • Phoenix Comicon - Phoenix, AZ | May 23-26

  • Anime Expo - Los Angeles, CA | July 4-7

  • San Diego Comic Con - San Diego, CA | July 11-15